Porn Addiction Affects Spouses and Addicts Alike

Many spouses of porn addicts feel lost, betrayed, and hurt when they discover their husband has an addiction to porn. Many feel isolated and alone. Sunset Counseling Services in Tooele offers individual counseling for wives of porn addicts who need healing, emotional support, and guidance in their marriage. We’re here for you. Contact us today to get started.

Side effects of porn addiction:

  • Emotional withdrawl from relationships

  • Sexual dysfunction in relationships

  • Divorce in married couples

  • Break up relationships

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Unrealistic expectations

  • Feelings of isolation

  • Loss of trust

  • Feelings of shame and emptiness

  • Social problems

  • Financial instability

Learn the Side effects of porn addiction at Sunset Counseling, Dugway Utah

Therapy For Wives of Porn Addicts

While seemingly harmless, pornography is not only detrimental to those who are in the porn industry, but it’s also harmful to those who watch porn, especially to those who are married. The spouses of porn addicts are often hurt and suffering as well; however, their needs are often overlooked in treating pornography. While it’s important to treat the addict, it’s also equally important to treat the innocent victims — the spouses of porn addicts. With the overwhelming majority of porn addicts being men, it’s the wives of porn addicts who are also affected by this unhealthy addiction.

Sunset Counseling Services in Tooele offers therapy for wives of porn addicts. With experience, our team can help you heal from this form of infidelity in marriage. Below, we’ll go over what exactly is porn addiction, signs that your husband is addicted to porn, and treatment options Sunset Counseling offers you and your spouse. Continue reading, and then contact us today to learn more!

What Is Porn Addiction?

Addiction to pornography has been proven to have been around for hundreds of years. However, most experts agree pornography addiction has probably been around since the beginning of human history. Pornography is the use of sex, often using a visual medium, to become sexually aroused. It is a fantasy, pure and simple. Therapists classify porn addiction as a process addiction, which is a compulsive behavior where someone repeatedly engages in the activity that often has negative consequences.

In the case of pornography, the consequences have a huge ripple effect in the porn addict’s life. It can cause trouble in a marriage and even divorce. It can cause relationship issues for those who are dating. It can cause trouble in parent/child relationships and the addict’s professional career. A porn addiction often leads to isolation and an escalating disconnect with the addict’s real life in favor of their sexual life. Most men are oblivious to its effects, but those affected, especially the wives of porn addicts, definitely suffer from it.

Porn addiction is a serious problem in the United States. Sunset Counseling Services in Tooele, notes that out of the top ten websites visited in the United States, three are adult porn sites. Porn addiction is a growing problem that needs to be addressed, along with the spouses of porn addicts.

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Signs you husband may be a addicted to Porn:

  • Your husband is not interested in sex with you

  • Your husband seems emotionally distant during sex

  • Your husband is practically married to the internet instead of to you

  • Your husband’s demeanor has changed and is now secretive

  • Your husband has become antisocial, staying home a lot instead

  • Your husband has become critical of your appearance

  • You notice unexplained credit card charges on the bill

  • Your computer’s browser history is always empty

These are just some of the signs that your husband may be addicted to pornography. Sunset Counseling in Tooele notes that most wives are caught completely off guard that their husbands are addicted to porn. Most wives trust their husbands implicitly and believe that their husband would understand that using porn is the equivalent of having an affair. However, most husbands are oblivious, so caught up they are in their addiction.

Treatment options for Porn Addicts

As mentioned above, addiction to pornography is a process addiction where the person is often addicted to viewing porn in a compulsory manner. It affects the brain in a similar way as does drug, alcohol, or even gambling and a shopping addiction. Since porn addiction is a psychological addiction, you have to discover the underlying causes that are fueling the addiction.

Sunset Counseling Services in Tooele offers compassionate and caring counselors who specialize in treating process addictions, including pornography addiction and sex addiction, which are often closely related. We offer a variety of methods that our individual counselors specialize in, form behavioral programs, mindfulness-based therapies, or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a common method to treat porn addicts as it helps the addict focus on triggers and helps to reshape the mind in terms of how the addict thinks about porn. It helps them discover the why, as well as helps them change their thoughts.

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Therapy For Wives of Porn Addicts

Most spouses of porn addicts feel hurt and betrayed. They are angry, sad, and heartbroken that their husband is cheating on them with porn. Many are at a loss as to what to do with regards to their marriage. The lives of the wives of porn addictions can quickly spiral out of control and lead to other problems, such as anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. These wives of porn addicts need treatment as much as their spouses who are addicted to porn.

Here at Sunset Counseling Services, our wonderful and caring individual therapists specialize in counseling the wives of porn addicts. They understand the helpless feelings you often have and the isolation you may be feeling. Our team can help give you the tools you need to heal and find peace. Whether your husband is receiving treatment for porn addiction or not, you no longer have to suffer alone and feel paralyzed in your marriage. As certified marriage counselors as well, Michael or Heidi can guide you in your marriage decisions as well, from talking to your husband about therapy for porn to the final step of divorce. Reach out to him today to begin your path back to wellness and a fulfilling life.

How Sunset Counseling can help

Sunset Counseling Services in Tooele offers the best therapy services, from couples counseling and teen counseling to counseling spouses of porn addicts. We understand that everyone who comes to us for counseling services is at a different place in life, some requiring just a little direction, while some need some major work to attain the life they desire. Our confidential and compassionate counseling services focus on giving you the tools you need to recover from childhood trauma, addictions, including porn and sex addiction, or abuse. Whether you or someone you know is the spouse of a porn addict, we can help. Contact us today to get started!